How to Shed 20 Pounds
Consume less calories. One pound equals 3500 calories. You can eat 500 calories less each day of the week and lose one pound a week. You will lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks just by cutting calories.
Work out. A 160-pound person will burn 657 calories by working out on a stair treadmill for an hour. Do that six days a week and burn 3,942 calories total. That's more than a pound a week.
Combine weightlifting and aerobic exercise to lose 20 pounds. You can break up your routine by doing weightlifting for a half-hour six days a week. Add aerobic exercise to your routine by working out on the stair treadmill for a half-hour six days a week. A 160-pound person will burn 328.5 calories in a half-hour on the treadmill. A 160-pound person will burn 109.5 calories in a half-hour using free weights. The total is 438 calories burned. If you work out six days a week, that's 2,628 calories burned. It will take about 26 weeks to lose 20 pounds.
Cut calories and do aerobic exercise to lose 20 pounds. Cut 500 calories from your diet each day of the week. You will lose one pound a week. Add an hour workout on the stair treadmill for six days a week and burn 657 calories, or more than a pound a week. It will take you around 10 weeks to lose 20 pounds.