How to Use P90X as a Weight Loss Workout
Things You'll Need
- P90X DVDs
Establish whether you are fit enough for the routine. Before starting P90X, you should talk to your doctor, because the routine is very strenuous. It is not suitable for those with back or neck problems. Before starting P90X, take their Fit Test to determine whether you will be able to complete the routine. For example, to get through most of the workouts, the company recommends that you are already able to complete 15 push-ups if you are male and three if you are female.
Follow the P90X Lean routine. As opposed to the Classic routine, which focuses on strength and athletic performance, the Lean routine incorporates more cardiovascular exercise. The focus is on burning more calories. The Lean routine is included in the Fitness Guide you will receive after ordering the program.
Mix and match other videos. If you do not have time to commit six hours a week to the workouts, or if you find that there are some workouts that are simply too challenging for you, consider choosing your favorite workouts and creating your own routine. For example, the Cardio X routine is only about 45 minutes long and does not include weight lifting. Each workout still burns quite a few calories due to the intensity, so it is still possible to lose weight while designing your own program.
Eat enough to fuel your workouts. If you are following the three-phase P90X nutrition plan, you will be tweaking the amounts of fat, carbohydrates and protein you eat. If you are not following the plan, make sure your calorie intake is not too low, or you will lack energy during the workouts and may put your body in starvation mode.
Aim to lose about 1-2 pounds per week by cutting 250-500 calories from the total calories you burn per day. To calculate this total, find out your base metabolic rate using the calculator in the Resources section. Multiply this number by your activity factor (a range from 1.2 to 1.9, sedentary and extremely active). If you are following the P90X workout, your activity factor will be in the upper range, around 1.725, which is the factor for those very active (defined as participating in hard exercise six days a week).