The Best Ways to Have a Small Waist

An excess of belly fat puts you at an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease and high blood pressure. Reducing your waist and maintaining a small waist is therefore essential to maintain your health. Lifestyle adjustments may be required to help you achieve that small waist.
  1. Diet

    • If you eat unhealthy fats, sugar and processed foods, your waistline will increase. Consume a healthy diet to maintain a small waist. Eat vegetables, fruits, whole-grains, lean protein and unsaturated fats.

      Avoid foods that make you retain water or bloat your tummy, if you want your waist small. Take in less than 2,300 mg of sodium, as recommended by WebMD. Limit gas-inducing foods such as beans, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower. Reduce your consumption of chewing gum and carbonated beverages because these can cause bloating.


    • To have and maintain a small waist, regular exercise is essential. Perform cardiovascular exercise on five days of the week for at least 30 minutes per day. Take on strength-training exercises on two days of the week. Cardiovascular exercise includes jogging, swimming, biking or walking. Use your body weight, weighted machines or free weights for your strength-training routine. Include abdominal exercises, such as crunches and situps. The combination of cardio and strength training keeps foods from being stored as fat. Muscle tissue, which stimulates your metabolism, is maintained and increased.

    Manage Stress

    • A high stress level can trigger weight gain, predominantly around your middle. When you experience high levels of stress, your body's survival mode is stimulated. Your body releases cortisol, a stress hormone, which triggers uncontrollable cravings for diet-sabotaging foods. The fat you gain gets stored in your belly, because it nearest to your liver where it quickly can be turned into energy. Get at least eight hours of sleep each night, because a lack of sleep makes you less able to fight stress. Avoid taking on too much work and responsibility; delegate tasks. Take time out to breathe deeply during stressful periods. Practice meditating techniques to keep your stress levels low.

    Slimming Clothing

    • To get the appearance of a smaller waist, wear belly-controlling shapewear underneath your clothes. Shapewear smoothes bulges and visually takes inches off your waist. Shapewear comes in the form of briefs, shorts, camisoles, girdles and complete bodysuits. Both men and women can wear shapewear. Wear jeans and tops with a build in belly-control panel that slims down your waist. Purchase shapewear and belly-control clothing from online retailers or from large department stores.

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