How to Get Rid of Dimply Thighs
Eat a healthy diet. Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and foods that are low in fat, preservatives and sodium. Avoid unhealthy eating behaviors, such as skipping meals.
Create an exercise plan that works on developing the muscles in your legs and glutes. Your exercise plan should consist of aerobic exercises, such as running, spinning, cycling, jogging and stair-climbing, along with toning and strengthening exercises, such as performing squats, lunges, pelvic thrusts, glute kickbacks and using weight machines at the gym. Get at least 30 to 45 minutes of exercise 5 days a week, allowing yourself 2 rest days to let your body recover from the hard work. You can schedule days for yourself where you do only cardio exercises, or days that you do cardio and strength training for an optimal combination.
Avoid long sedentary periods. If you have an office job, get up and walk around every hour to circulate the blood flow to your legs, and to also give yourself a stretch. Sitting for long periods of time is not beneficial to cellulite.
Research your cosmetic options to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that sucks out fat cells to help shape the body. Laser-assisted liposuction is a less invasive option that helps tighten the skin as well, which may be more effective for reducing dimply thighs. Topical creams are another alternative. According to the, cellulite-reducing ointments that contain 0.3 percent of retinol cream and are applied two times per day have been known to improve the appearance of cellulite after 6 months. Lastly, you might consider radio-frequency systems that use negative tissue massage, radio-frequency and infrared light to treat your cellulite. The results of radio-frequency systems can last for 6 months.