Wii Fit Workout Routine Ideas
Cardiovascular Workouts
"Wii Fit" has several different cardiovascular workouts built into the game that are designed to help you burn calories and fat. In the game, these are referred to as aerobic training. These include virtual hula-hooping exercises, dance-inspired step exercises, as well as walking, jogging and running. To burn calories and fat, choose at least one cardiovascular exercise to incorporate into your workout routine. Start out with an easy few minutes of jogging and gradually increase your workout to include longer runs, a few minutes of the hula hoop exercise and the step exercising game. You could include a different aerobic exercise into your workout each time. This will ensure you do not get bored with your workouts.
Strength Training Workouts
The strength training workouts in "Wii Fit" are designed to help you build and tone muscle. Adding a few minutes of strength training into your workout will help you tone your body as you lose weight. Strength training exercises in "Wii Fit" include push-ups, leg extensions, torso twists and lunges, among others. The balance board included with the game will measure your balance and determine if you are performing these exercises correctly, and the virtual trainer will make suggestions on how to improve your form while performing them. When putting together a "Wii Fit" workout routine, include a few minutes of strength training exercises and gradually extend the time spent performing them as your muscles become stronger and the exercises become easier for you.
Yoga Exercises
"Wii Fit" contains a number of yoga exercises designed to improve your posture and flexibility. These exercises include classic yoga poses, such as the tree pose, the warrior and the deep moon. In addition to helping improve muscle strength and flexibility, these yoga poses are designed to help train you to regulate your breathing while working out. When planning your routine for the day, choose two or three yoga exercises to warm you up at the beginning of your routine, as these will help you control your breathing during cardio and will prepare your muscles for the strength training exercises.
Balance Games
Balance games are short games within "Wii Fit" are designed to help you improve your sense of balance. Playing at least one of these games during your workout will help you improve your balance, which will in turn make performing yoga poses and strength training exercises easier. These games can also serve as a cool-down at the end of your routine. Balance games in "Wii Fit" include soccer heading and ski slalom and are performed on the balance board.
Planning Your Routine
When planning your workout routine, be sure to include at least one exercise or game from each area of training. If you want to target specific areas of your fitness, add in more training exercises relevant to that area. For example, if you are trying to burn fat you will want to add more aerobic exercises, or if you want to improve your flexibility, add more yoga. You can mix up your routines by combining different exercises each time you work out.