Supercharged Diets
The South Beach Diet Supercharge
The South Beach Diet Supercharge is an updated version of the widely used South Beach Diet. Written by a cardiologist, this 10-week, 3-phase program begins with the elimination of certain carbohydrates, so that dieters can break addictions to substances, such as sugar. During the second and third phases dieters learn about and incorporate low glycemic foods into their diets.
The original South Beach Diet included discussion of exercise, but the Supercharge version includes 20 minutes daily of interval training, whereby heart rate is slowed and then hastened in order to train the heart for quick response. This type of exercise is thought to increase the body's rate of weight loss.
The HCG Diet
The HCG diet is a "supercharged" quick weight loss diet, whereby dieters place the hormone drops under their tongues. The hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin, sets the body into pregnancy mode, whereby it engages fat stores to burn while the dieter eats a restrictive 500 calorie per day diet. The diet's duration is two weeks, which can be repeated, during which time a dieter can lose up to a pound per day.
The Supercharged Hormone Diet
Developed by considering that hormones are an integral factor in weight gain and loss, the Supercharged Hormone Diet is a favorite among people who are experiencing hormonal imbalances. After the assessment questionnaire, the Supercharged Hormone Diet begins with a detoxification period during which certain foods are prohibited, such as alcohol, caffeine, dairy products, corn oil, red meat, peanuts and their related products, sugar and artificial sweeteners.
After the two week detox period, dieter's foods include all fruits (other than citrus, which is prohibited), olive oil, nuts, fish and other organic foods. Gradually other foods are added back into the six-week program, including mood-boosting foods. Stress reduction techniques and sleep tips are given throughout. While on the Supercharged Hormone Diet you must exercise six days per week, alternating yoga, cardio and weight lifting. Interval training is expected once a week. The Supercharged Hormone Diet teaches dieters about wellness and positive behaviors to incorporate into their lives.
Get Energy Diet
Fitness guru, Denise Austin's plan for attracting energy is by including 30 minutes of exercise and 12 foods into your daily routine. De-stressing while refreshing your mind, stretching and a 20 minute power workout are all recommended. The focus is more on how to obtain energy and to attain a higher level of fitness than to lose weight.