How to Know When You've Reached Your Ideal Weight
Things You'll Need
- Scale
Weigh yourself with a scale. Write down your current weight and compare it to your ideal weight. Calculate the difference, so that you know how many pounds you need to lose or gain to get to your ideal weight.
Perform a caliper test to calculate your percentage of body fat. The caliper skin fold test is an accurate way to find out how much body fat is stored in the human body. This percentage is significant because it tells you how healthy you are in terms of your weight. For instance, according to Nutribase, the normal body fat percentage for a female is between 22 to 25 percent; whereas for men, the average body fat percentage is 25 to 28 percent.
Identify workouts and exercises that will help you achieve your ideal weight. If you want to put on weight by adding muscle, you will need to incorporate more weightlifting activities into your workout. If your goal is to lose weight and become leaner, you should select more cardiovascular types of exercises, such as running and spinning.
Eat healthy and clean. To reach your ideal weight you may need to alter your diet, so that you consume more or less proteins and carbohydrates. Avoid foods that are rich in sugars and fats. Choose whole grains and fibrous foods, eat plenty of vegetables and drink a lot of water. Maintaining a clean diet can help you reach your ideal weight faster, even if your goal is to put on pounds.
Monitor your progress. Weigh yourself on a scale at the end of each week, to see whether you are any closer to reaching your ideal weight. If you are at a plateau and are not gaining or losing the weight you want to, modify your diet and exercise program.
Check your body fat percentage again, through the caliper test. You can perform this test as often as necessary, to monitor your progress throughout your weight loss or gain regimen.
Maintain your ideal weight when you reach it. Continue eating healthy and exercising, so that your weight does not fluctuate.