How to Remove Cellulite & Fat From Skin
Start developing a habit of doing a 30-minute cardio workout two to three times a week. This loosens up fat that houses cellulite. Additionally, the exercise can arrest the further development of cellulite and burn calories, which will improve overall health. Start slowly, and then build up tolerance during these workouts to achieve maximum effect. Rotate target areas and exercises so your body does not get used to the routine. If this happens, the exercise regimen will lose its effectiveness.
Get into the habit of performing strength training in addition to the cardio workout. This will help smooth out cellulite patches and develop muscles in the target area(s). Do strength training two to three times a week. All strength training should aim to build up tolerance; as tolerance builds, weight can be increased.
Food intake must be carefully monitored. Carbohydrates must be restricted, as well as processed foods. Starches turn into sugar as they are digested, which means these should be limited as well. A good rule of thumb concerning food intake is to stop eating everything white: white bread, white sugar, white pasta, etc. Diet is one of the most important steps of reducing cellulite and fat, not to mention improving overall health.
Consider using alternative methods to reduce cellulite and fat. Getting a massage can stimulate blood flow throughout the body, which then stimulates the reduction of cellulite and fat. You can get a massage at twice a month to promote blood flow stimulation. There are also many creams and medications that claim to assist in cellulite reduction. Research any medication or cream for potential side effects before using them.