Weight Loss Tips for Models
Low-Carb Diets
Carbohydrates are the body's preferred fuel source, but when you don't consume them in your diet, you force your body to use its fat stores as energy instead. This is the way low-carb diets help you lose weight. Instead of carbohydrates, protein with healthy fat sources mixed in are what the model is supposed to eat.
Detoxification Diets
Detox diets are short-term ways to drop weight fast. This might be an ideal diet to do before a photo shoot or modeling job, since you can lose some excess water weight and bloat to make sure you are looking your best. Detoxification diets consist of eating mostly a liquid diet for a few days, maybe with some vegetables, in order to flush out all the toxins in your system.
Calorie Counting
Calorie counting is a long-term way of losing weight and keeping it off. While some models have been stereotyped as anorexic or bulimic -- that is, they have eating disorders -- counting calories might be a way they can hit a target caloric intake for the day and still stay slim. The number of calories you need to lose or maintain your weight depends on your height, weight, gender and activity level. The minimum healthy caloric intake for females is 1200 per day. Below that, the body can enter starvation mode and actually hold on to its fat stores and slow down metabolism. For men, the minimum is around 1800.
Vegetarian diets consist of only eating vegetables and other nonmeat foods. Vegan diets are more extreme; they don't allow you to eat any animal products whatsoever, meaning, no meat, dairy and fish. These diets often become a lifestyle for people and can really slim your body down if you make the right choices. This is usually caused by the fact you aren't giving your body much protein so your muscles never become bulky, and that most of the diet is fruits and vegetables, which are low calorie. However, certain foods you can eat on this lifestyle plan, such as nuts and nut butters, are high in calories, so you have to watch the intake of those foods.
Appetite Suppression Tricks
To help yourself burn more calories throughout the day and suppress your appetite, drink more water. Your body will burn more calories attempting to regulate its temperature after drinking a glass of ice water. Also, drinking a glass or two of water before a meal can help curb your appetite and help you eat less because it fills you up. Other tricks include brushing your teeth if you are feeling hungry or chewing gum. The minty flavors will ruin the taste for other foods and chewing will also trick your brain into thinking you are feeding. This can help you tide yourself over until a meal.