How to Fast With Spirulina
Before You Fast
Consult with your doctor to make sure you're fit and able to endure a fast. People respond to fasting differently, sometimes experiencing nausea, headaches, faintness and muscle cramps. Diabetics, pregnant or nursing women and children should not attempt to fast.
Purchase fresh, organic fruits and vegetables to east two days before and after your fast. Don't eat dressings or dips with them. Stop consuming alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, sodas and chewing gum as well. Eat fruits and vegetables only, and drink only purified water. This preparation prepares your body for the lack of caloric intake while still providing you with needed nutrients.
Purchase spirulina at a health food store. You may take spirulina in either pill or powder form; however, the most common way to fast is to mix the spirulina powder with either fresh vegetable or fruit juices. Use a blender in which to mix your fresh juices. Also, purchase the fresh fruits and vegetables you want to make into juice for the fast. Consult the references section below for ideas for your juices.
Choose a time to fast when your life isn't too hectic. If you attempt a fast during a crisis or extreme change in your life, you're likely to experience emotional instability and distress. Also, do not attempt to fast during the holiday season. You may receive annoyed looks from your family when you don't partake in festive foods. The summer is typically the best time to undertake a fast.
During and After Your Fast
Prepare your juices throughout the day. Usually, you should consume around 32 to 64 ounces of juice per day with one tbsp. of spirulina added to it in the blender. Make each glass of juice immediately before you consume it. Alternately, prepare and freeze juices for later use.
Monitor your body during the fast. Keep a journal of how you're feeling and how your body changes. If you feel faint, drink more juice or consume piece of raw fruits and vegetables throughout the day. It's up to you whether you want to consume hard foods during your fast. Just make sure to continue taking your spirulina supplement.
Continue the fast for one to three days, or until you feel you've reached your desired results. Fasting with spirulina provides your body with all the essential nutrients it needs while giving your organs a rest. Once your organs are cleansed, your digestive system and liver functions will improve drastically. You should notice clearer skin as well.
Introduce raw pieces of fruit and vegetable back into your diet, once you're ready to end your fast. If you ate fruits and vegetables during your fast, continue to consume them. Drink plenty of water, as well as light soups. Ensure the soups are made entirely with vegetable stock. Consume these foods the day after your fast is over.
Introduce simple starches into your diet two days after your fast. This includes rice cakes, bread made from sprouted grains and any type of gluten-free cracker. Consume these with your soups. Ween yourself off drinking juice during the day, and replace with herbal tea.
Begin consuming foods from your everyday diet on the third day after your fast. Don't overeat, as this can make you sick. Monitor your body and don't force yourself to eat anything you're not ready to eat.