Reasons Why Diets Do Not Work
Diets Cause Fatigue
Diet plans typically demand you consume far fewer calories than your body needs to provide the energy to get through a day. Although an exercise plan is not always incorporated into diets, the ones that do feature exercise require you to train hard on a stomach that's practically empty. With or without exercise, eating too few calories results in an exhausted dieter by the end of the day.
Diets Ignore Exercise
To live a truly healthy lifestyle, you have to combine eating right with regular exercise. Some diet plans ignore exercising altogether, while still others recommend it but fail to emphasize the importance of it. A diet strictly based around nutritional choices may work for a limited time period, but to keep the weight off and get your body in its top condition, regular exercise is unavoidable.
Diets Offer Temporary Solutions
A large number of "fad" diets exist that focus on eliminating an entire food group from you diet. Following these diets may help you shed a few pounds quickly, but your odds of keeping the weight off are slim, because all you really learned by adhering to the diet was how to lose weight by avoiding that one type of food. In the long-term, however, it's almost impossible to continue these habits, and when you give them up, the weight comes right back.
Diets Deprive You
If you follow a diet strictly, chances are it means all your favorite foods are off limits for good. Setting rules as to the type of food you are allowed to eat only makes the forbidden foods more attractive than they were previously. When the time finally comes that you give in to your craving, getting back on the program is even more challenging. Making a vow to never eat any of your favorite foods again is unrealistic, and only makes you feel deprived.