How to Break a Fat Loss Plateau
Write down every single piece of food you eat throughout the day. This includes the two potato chips you sneak in between lunch and dinner and the small piece of candy you ate for dessert. These small and seemingly harmless snacks can add up throughout the day. Creating a thorough food log can help you analyze where you can cut needless calories and where you can replace unhealthy foods with diet-friendly foods.
Fast several times a week by having low-calorie days. Minimizing your calorie intake two to three times a week keeps your metabolism running at peak efficiency and helps reduce your overall calorie intake throughout the week.
Change your workout routine. As you repeat the same routine, your body adapts and uses less energy (and thereby burns less fat) during your workout. Try new aerobic and anaerobic exercises. For example, replace two days of running with bike riding or jumping rope. Any changes to your usual routine shock the body into burning fat.
Extend your workout routine by several minutes to burn additional calories. Also add light exercise on your off days or light days to increase calorie burning.
Make your food portions smaller. Small portions help you eat less since you can keep better track of how much you eat, and you actually have to get up to put more on your plate.