How to Eat to Lose Love Handles
Eat five to six small meals a day. This may seem counter-intuitive, but eating smaller meals more frequently will increase your metabolism. The trick is to keep your body thinking that it is full so it is constantly burning fat reserves for energy instead of storing fat for energy because it is waiting a long time for its next meal.
Drink more water. Drinking the right amount of water to stay hydrated is something all humans should do, regardless of their dieting ambitions. Drinking water not only cleanses your bodily systems, flushing out impurities and toxins that build up without proper hydration, but also helps you feel full during the day. Feeling full for longer always helps with weight loss.
Avoid eating fat. Cut out fried foods, excessive consumption of cheese, biscuits, fatty meat, etc.. Of course, eating certain fats is part of being healthy, but while you are losing weight you can grill your lean meat or poach and steam your fish, eggs and vegetables, for example.
Include a large element of fiber in your diet. Fibrous foods are great for making you feel full for longer, thus decreasing the likelihood of snacking on sugary, fatty, high-calorie foods. Consuming fiber in the morning can help you through to lunchtime with the energy you need.
Eat vegetables and fruit. One way to guarantee a healthy body that has a strong metabolism and no "love handles" is to eat clean and fresh food. Vegetables and fruit are a natural and simple source of many of the nutritional elements needed for good health.
Avoid eating sugar. Sugar is processed in the body and stored as fat almost immediately. As much as possible, derive your body's sugary needs from the natural sugars in fruit. Fructose does not behave like refined processed sugar in the body and is much more conducive to fulfilling the criteria of your weight-loss diet-plan.