Weight Loss Tips for a Busy Schedule
Shorten Your Exercise Time
There is no need to spend an hour on the treadmill or stationary bike. If you perform high intensity interval training, you burn more calories in less time than you would with regular cardiovascular exercise. High intensity interval training requires that you add small bursts of exerting exercise into your moderate-paced exercise. Jog for two minutes and accelerate to a one-minute sprint. Go back and forth between intensities until you complete your workout. You force your body to work harder and engage your muscles so you burn calories even after your workout has ended. High intensity intervals can last 20 to 30 minutes and can be done three times per week.
Purchase Exercise Equipment
There is no need to leave your home or commute to the gym if you can afford to purchase home exercise equipment. Having an exercise DVD or elliptical machine and some free weights at home enables you to work out whenever you get a free minute. You don't have to complete your workout in one session. You can divide your workout over the day. Perform 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise in the morning and 15 minutes at night. You can do strength training exercises during commercial breaks on television. You also don't have to worry about getting dressed to go to the gym.
At Work
Instead of choosing a parking spot close to your office, park further away and walk the remaining distance. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. During your lunch break, skip the convenient fast food restaurants and bring leftovers from the healthy meal you had the night before. When you cook your own meals, you control the ingredients. Have healthy snacks on hand such as fruit and raw nuts so you can combat mid-afternoon cravings. On coffee breaks, get out your chair and take a walk.
Household Chores
Everyday household chores help you lose weight because they burn calories. Thirty minutes of vacuuming burns approximately 90 calories. Scrubbing soap scum from the bathtub can burn up to 200 calories. Thirty minutes of making beds burns about 130 calories. Outdoor work in the yard also burns calories. Raking leaves burns approximately 225 calories. You will end up with a clean house and a slimmer figure.