Weight Loss Tips for Fad Diets
Many fad diets, such as the Atkins diet, restrict starches and carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. While this can result in weight loss, most people crave carbohydrates and require them for sufficient energy during the day. If you're trying a low-carb diet like Atkins, include plenty of fresh vegetables as snacks and a small portion or two of whole grain carbs early in the day. This gives you energy for the day while still promoting weight loss because you'll eat a light dinner of protein and non-starchy vegetables.
Many fad diets require you to eat low-fat protein at each meal and snack. This can be a good strategy because it fills you up until the next meal. However, when you eat a lot of protein and few carbohydrates, it can cause you to feel sluggish and have difficulty concentrating. Choose low-fat sources of protein, such as egg whites, fish, chicken breasts and lean cuts of beef. Eat small portions at each meal, and include a small portion of carbohydrates, such as a couple of whole grain crackers, if you need it.
No matter what diet you are on, drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses, throughout the day. This helps you feel full so you may eat less, particularly if you drink a glass or two before each meal, and also give you energy. If you don't drink enough water, it can reduce your energy levels, and many people mistakenly think they need to eat something, when a glass of water would make them feel better.
Many fad diets say you can lose weight without exercising, and while this may be true for a while, the weight loss is more likely to be long-term if you incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Start by walking 30 minutes a few times per week, and work your way up to exercising nearly every day at a moderate intensity. Also incorporate physical activity into your everyday activities. Walk to the store if you can, play with your kids outside, and park at the back of the parking lot when you're out. Small changes like these can lead to weight loss and better fitness over time.