Diets for Traveling
Start off Right
While traveling, start your day with healthy breakfast choices. Most hotels and restaurants offer fresh fruit options in the morning; eat a fruit platter with some protein to give yourself a healthful energy boost until your next meal. Don't drink fruit juices, as are they laden with sugar and hidden calories. Always drink water instead.
Move Your Body
Exercise must be included in any successful diet plan in order to maximize weight loss. While traveling, you won't have access to your normal workout routine, but there are plenty of chances to improvise. Swim a few laps in the hotel pool or walk on the treadmill in the hotel gym; if the hotel doesn't have a gym or a pool, walk a few laps around the perimeter of the hotel parking lot, or around the surrounding neighborhood if you feel comfortable exploring. If the weather doesn't permit an outside workout, walk up and down the hotel stairs until you bust a sweat.
Make Smart Menu Choices
For lunch and dinner, order the more healthy options on the menu. Order a salad (with dressing on the side) or baked potato instead of french fries or potato chips with your afternoon and evening meals. Choose grilled or baked meats instead of fried. If you order soup, go with a water or broth base instead of a cream base. If you order pasta, order a tomato sauce rather than a cream sauce. Ignore the bread they put on the table, or refuse it all together. Don't waste valuable calories with fruit juice or soda; drink water instead. And watch out for those alcoholic beverages that sneak in on every vacation; they are high in calories and the more you drink, the more you won't care about drinking and eating.
Snack Yourself Silly
Be prepared for hunger to strike while traveling. Keep healthy snacks with you at all times so you won't be tempted to cheat on your diet with potato chips or candy found in your mini bar or the hotel gift shop. If your hotel has a buffet, wrap up some cheese and fruit to eat for later. You can also purchase protein bars, granola bars, or multi-grain tortilla trips to satiate you until your next meal.
Drink Plenty of Water
Not only is water good for you, it will help curb your appetite to prevent overeating. Before every meal, and before eating snacks, drink eight ounces of water.