The Health Dangers of Very Low Body Weight
Bone Loss
Proper nutrition, weight-bearing exercise and osteoporosis treatments can aid in bone density. Extremely low body weight can effect bone density and cause osteopenia or osteoporosis. Osteopenia is a precursor osteoporosis and both are issues that must be addressed. There is a correlation between muscle and bone mass because of the lack of proper nutrition to maintain the lowered body weight. A proper nutritional program will aid bone density with the increase of muscle mass.
Hormonal Changes
The lack of a menstrual cycle also affects bone density. Lowered body weight can cause hormonal changes and can stop the production of estrogen in the ovaries. This is the cause for secondary amennorhea, which is the absence of the menses; better known as the menstrual cycle. There should be concern for a menstrual cycle absent for three to six months or more.
Hemoglobin is the iron-rich protein in red blood cells. Anemia, the lack healthy red blood cells, is a common deficiency that occurs with lowered body weight. The amount of food, as well as the types of food to maintain a lowered body weight, lacks nutrients that produces red blood cells. The symptoms of anemia are lethargy, pale skin, cold hands and feet and irritability.
Red blood cells aid in the healing process of wounds and injuries. Red blood cells are needed for your body to heal from an injury. When an injury such as a bruise or a scratch occurs, the red blood cells collect under the epidermis and heal the injury over a period of time. Lack of red blood cells because of lowered body weight causes the healing process to slow tremendously.
Eating Disorders
Treatment centers are available to help those who suffer from Anorexia Nervosa. Several eating disorders are associated with lowered body weight, but a common disorder is Anorexia Nervosa. It is characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss to less than 85 percent of your expected body weight. Anorexia is both a physical and mental disorder.
Foods such as brocolli, artichokes, apples and strawberries are high in fiber. Constipation has numerous causes but those with very low body weight can suffer on a more regular basis. The restrictive diet to maintain lowered body weight perpetuates this health problem. High fiber foods such as cereals, fruits and vegetables must be included in the diet to ward off constipation.