Total Transformation Tips for Kids

Dealing with a weight issue is never an easy feat, and the situation can become even more touchy when the overweight individual is a child. Children that require total transformations due either to health reasons or self-image problems need a different approach and alternative motivators to help them succeed. But with a bit of effort and a creative approach, kids can achieve total body transformations successfully.
  1. Make Exercise Fun

    • Perhaps the single most important thing to remember when trying to help a child lose weight is that making exercise fun is key. Incorporating games and activities that don't seem like exercise will make the experience pleasurable for the child and the child will in turn see exercising as a positive thing to look forward to rather than an obligatory task. When coming up with games and activities, think about the child's natural interests: does he like dance, swimming or skateboarding? Is she more of an indoor kid? There are many different exercise games that can be played indoors as well.

    Ensure Adequate Nutrition

    • A child's proper nutrition should never be sacrificed for the goal of losing weight or transforming a child's body. A child's body is still in growth mode; depriving it of essential nutrients needed for proper development will cause health problems greater than a little extra weight in the future. Design a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, protein and a bit of fat that fits within the confines of a reduced calorie diet. Limit portion sizes during meals, and never insist that a child "clean their plate" if they claim they are full.

    Provide Positive Reinforcement

    • The key to seeing real body transformation in a child is constant and enthusiastic positive reinforcement. Children should be praised when they achieve even the smallest goal in their efforts toward total transformation. Jogging for a full five minutes, not eating potato chips for a week or taking the long route to school are all efforts that need to be recognized by the parents, educators or health professionals who are accompanying the child on the quest toward body transformation. When a child receives positive reinforcement, it encourages him to continue to seek it by making healthy choices.

    Encourage Goal Setting

    • For children and adults alike, goal setting is an important part of shedding weight and getting healthy. For children, the importance of goal setting in everyday life teaches them responsibility and a sense of self-worth when the goal is accomplished. In terms of a child's total body transformation, encourage the setting of attainable goals and create a rewards system where the child receives an object or experience when a certain number of goals are reached. Examples of rewards may be a trip to the water park, tickets to an MLB game or a new toy or game. Food should never be used as a reward.

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