How to Lose a Pooch
Exercise to burn calories. Combine high-intensity cardiovascular exercise two days a week and same-intensity cardiovascular exercise three days of the week. Perform high-intensity cardio by exercising at moderate intensity for three minutes before accelerating to high intensity for one minute. Switch back and forth between intensities until you complete your workout. Perform same-intensity cardio by walking, jogging, swimming or biking at one level for your entire workout.
Tone your stomach muscles. Perform abdominal exercises for your entire core such as standard crunches and the plank exercise. Perform reverse crunches to tighten your lower belly muscles. Lie on your back on the floor with your legs elevated and knees bend 90 degrees. Elevate your head off the floor and support it with your hands. Bring your knees toward your chest while keeping the rest of your body still. Hold the contraction for a second before releasing yourself back into the starting position.
Tone your lower belly muscles by doing pulse ups. Lie on your back on the floor with your arms at your side. Raise your legs straight up and flex your feet. Elevate your hips off the floor using your lower abdominals. Move your legs straight up toward the ceiling. Hold the contraction for one second before coming back to your starting position.
Monitor your eating habits. Limit your salt intake to no more than 1,500 milligrams per day as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Excess salt can make you retain water, resulting in a bloated belly. Eat fish, chicken and turkey for protein. Consume fiber-rich whole-grains, vegetables and fruits for carbohydrates and use olive oil and canola oil when preparing foods. Limit sweets, candy, cookies, cakes, fried and processed foods as much as you can.
Arm yourself against stress. Limit alcohol and cigarettes. Get eight hours of sleep at night. Breathe deeply during times of high stress and practice meditation. According to the Natural Health Website for Women, high stress levels stimulate the production of cortisol in your body. This stress hormone is associated with fat gain around the middle.
Include two to three days of full-body strength training in your workout routine to stimulate muscle tissue. Muscle tissue increases your metabolism while at rest, so you burn fat even after your workout.