Which Diets Are the Most Effective?
Low-fat Diet
The most tried and true diet out there is probably the simplest: the low-fat diet. This diet is relatively simple and is easily understood by its name. Low-fat diets are designed to reduce chances of heart disease and diabetes. It is a diet that consists of low-fat and low-calorie eating to shed unwanted pounds, and is one of the most simple diets to follow. Read the nutrition labels and select food that is low in fat and calories.
Weight Watchers
Another diet that has shown itself effective time and time again is Weight Watchers. This diet has been revamped into a new program called the Points Plus system. A person is allowed so many points a day and food is assigned a certain amount of points. As long as a person stays within their daily points, she loses weight. Food points are calculated by a simple formula involving fat, calories and fiber. Dieters even get extra points every week to use at their discretion, and can earn extra points through exercise.
Mediterranean Diet
A diet that has recently become popular is the Mediterranean diet, which relies heavily on plant foods and monosaturated fats. Fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, beans, fish and olive oil are the foundation of this diet. Exercise is recommended and even leisurely dining in encouraged. Another benefit of this diet is that it reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The Mediterranean diet is very healthy and easily sustainable for many individuals.
Volumetrics encourages fullness instead of deprivation. This diet relies heavily on foods that have a high water content, such as fruits and vegetables. The creator of Volumetrics wants people to eat foods that are energy-dense. This diet follows the same principles of a low-fat or low-calorie diet, but encourages followers to consume more foods with more water content. This allows the dieter to feel fuller longer; therefore, eating less and losing weight.