Techniques to Lose Fat
Proper Nutrition
Proper nutrition is absolutely essential to fat loss. Without proper nutrition, exercise and other techniques do not lead to sustainable weight loss. Eating right includes consuming a variety of healthy foods and liquids such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and lots of water. To develop good nutritional habits, it is also important to know how many calories you burn in a day so you can determine how much food you require to maintain, lose, or gain weight. This can be determined, roughly, using an on-line BMR calculator.
Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise, or "cardio," is necessary for fat burning. Cardio can be done a number of ways and adapted to almost any fitness or skill level. Walking, running, swimming, cycling, playing sports, and even gardening are forms of cardio. Choose a cardio workout that is safe for you; if you don't run, don't start with a marathon. Also, find one or two you enjoy. By following those two rules, you are more likely to avoid injury and stick with your chosen activity.
You don't have to bench press a small automobile to be successful at weightlifting. By starting small, you give your body a chance to develop strength without injuring yourself. Weightlifting is good for fat burning, since muscle developed through weightlifting burns more calories than fat. So, the more muscle you have, the more calories -- and the more fat -- your body burns.
Stress is linked to weight gain, which usually means fat-gain, so by limiting stress, you also limit your chances of gaining weight. By eliminating some of the stress in your life, you increase the chance of losing it and keeping it off. Stress can also affect the way you eat, which becomes a challenge to good nutrition. Fight stress through meditation, yoga, breathing routines, imaging a serene place, and removing some or all of the causes of stress in your life. Other ways to limit stress include making a plan or checklist of things to do, and prioritizing tasks and goals.