Easy Fat-Burning Diets
Dieting with Exercise
The most commonly recommended advice for burning fat is to combine a healthy diet with daily exercise. Because food fuels the body, utilize that fuel and work to burn excess fat deposits stored in the body. A healthy diet for most people consists of leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, whole-wheat carbohydrates, lean proteins and healthy fats like those found in olive oil and avocado. Follow a diet that incorporates these foods while avoiding sugars, fats high in cholesterol and white starches. In addition to dietary changes, perform cardio exercises and strength training to burn fat.
Vegetarianism and Veganism
Vegetarianism is a diet that eliminates dead animal products, like pork, beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish or any food that an animal had to die to produce. This diet can help burn fat quickly because many animal proteins contain high levels of cholesterol and animal fat that is transferred to a human body through consumption. Veganism takes this diet to a higher level by eliminating all animal products, including dairy, eggs and honey. Because many dairy products are creamy or high in fat, this further reduces the amount of fat a person consumes in his diet, making both diets a viable option for burning and eliminating fat.
The Paleo Diet
The Paleo Diet is based on the premise that people should eat the way they were originally designed to eat, as hunter gatherers. Hunter gatherers did not farm, and thus did not cultivate grains, a heavy staple on many people's plates. The Paleo Diet argues that to burn fat and stay healthy, a person should focus on eating lean proteins and lots of fresh vegetables, allowing for small servings of fruit and even smaller servings of grains and starches. This diet is intended to mirror the way humans are theorized to be designed to eat.
The Four Colors Diet
The four colors diet is a simple method of ensuring that a plate is properly balanced with nourishing foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. A complete meal in the four colors diet should represent servings of a grain, a lean protein, a vegetable and a fruit, perhaps visualized as brown, pink, green and purple. White starches, not being a color, are to be avoided in this diet. Starches like brown rice and whole wheat are believed to be more adept at helping the body burn fat efficiently.