How to Lose Weight Speedily
Choose a weight-loss program that is right for you. Studies have shown that the program itself isn't as important as finding one that works for your lifestyle.
Aim to lose a healthy amount of weight, no more than two pounds a week through diet and exercise.
Consume the proper amount of water each day. It is important to remain hydrated during a weight loss or exercise program. Drink an eight-ounce glass of water before each meal.
Eat a healthy breakfast within an hour of waking up. Eating breakfast early in the morning raises your metabolism and boosts your energy for the entire day.
Eat small meals more frequently. Aim for five-to-six smaller meals a day that remain under your own personal calorie goals.
Eat your meals at the kitchen table. Avoid eating in front of the computer or television as the distraction often leads to over-eating and snacking.
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week. Combining cardiovascular and weight training exercises has shown to improve weight loss and raise metabolism. "Accidental" exercise, which may include parking further away from your destination, taking the stairs instead of the escalator and taking short walks on your morning and afternoon breaks at work, also adds to the calories you burn each day.
Get plenty of sleep. Studies have shown that people who get a minimum of eight hours of sleep each night have a lower probability of becoming obese.