How to Get Active
Do some research. Find an activity that excites you, whether it is kickboxing, running, snowboarding or swimming. Research which gyms, studios, workout videos and clubs accommodate your activity.
Get the apparel. Before you can be active, you must have the right apparel. If you're swimming, you must get a suit. If you're looking to run, then you must invest in the right kind of running shoe. Getting the right apparel also motivates you to get involved in your new activity.
Hydrate your body. Hydration is an important part of any kind of activity because during exercise water will be lost. According to the American Council of Exercise, women should consume 2.7 liters of water a day and men should consume 3.7 daily.
Make a date. Whether you are taking a class at the gym or signing up for a training session, set a date. Having a date set will hold you accountable to be active. Invite a friend to join you to also hold you accountable.
Critique your experience. Decide whether you liked your activity. If you do, sign up again. If you did not enjoy it, simply explore another active option.