How Kids Can Lose Fat
Send a home-packed lunch with your child to school. Staples of school cafeterias include processed foods, such as pizza, chicken nuggets and French fries, which are high in salt, sugar and fat and low in nutrients, according to the The Art Institutes website. Pack your child a lunch that includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains. An ideal lunch would contain a sandwich with deli meat on whole wheat bread, a fruit salad and a pasta salad with vegetables. Also, pack healthy snacks so your child is not tempted to buy candy or unhealthy snacks at vending machines.
Limit the amount of fast food your child consumes. When eating fast food, choose healthier options, such as sandwiches without mayonnaise or salad, recommends the Weight-Control Information Network. If available, choose milk or fruit juice instead of soda and fruit instead of a side of fries or chips.
Avoid using food as a reward. Do not use the promise of dessert or snacks to make kids eat healthy foods. The Weight-Control Information Network states that using dessert as a reward tells children that dessert is more valuable than healthy foods, causing them to dislike foods they perceive as less valuable.
Consult a dietitian about putting your child on a strict weight-loss diet. A dietitian can tell you how overweight your child is and how much fat she needs to lose. Some commercial weight-loss programs, such as Weight Watchers, accepts children, states WebMD. Do not put your child on a weight-loss program without a dietitian's consent.
Limit the amount of time your child watches TV and plays video games and encourage physical activities during leisure time. Have your child participate in a school or community sports team or take classes in dance or gymnastics. A child does not need to be athletic to stay active. Arrange a bike ride with your child's friends or a visit to the local park. You can also encourage backyard activities such as jumping rope, tag and hopscotch.