What Helps Reduce Cellulite?
Exercise plays a key role in reducing cellulite for a couple of reasons. Individuals who lower their body weight -- which can occur through exercising regularly -- are more likely to see an improvement in their cellulite. Exercise can also be beneficial for those who suffer from cellulite because it can tone muscles and keep bones strong, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. It is ideal to do strength exercises that target the area where cellulite is prevalent.
Diet also plays a role in reducing cellulite. It is ideal to follow a diet which is high in fibrous fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein, such as fish and poultry. Like exercise, a healthy diet can be beneficial for those who want to get rid of cellulite because it can help an individual lower his or her body weight. Fad dieting can also be detrimental for those who want to reduce cellulite.
Retinol Cream
There are many creams on the market which claim to get rid of cellulite. Many of these costly products do not work and some may even cause rashes. However, retinol cream has been shown to get rid of cellulite. Applying a 0.3 percent retinol cream to the affected skin twice a day for six months has been linked to reduced cellulite, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Massage treatments are thought to be an effective option for temporary cellulite relief. Massage stimulates blood flow, eliminating toxins and reducing excess-fluids in areas which are affected by cellulite, according to the Mayo Clinic. Although it is considered to be a fairly effective cellulite treatment method, massage treatments will only provide short-term results.
Laser-assisted Liposuction
Although traditional liposuction is not thought to be an effective method of plastic surgery for reducing cellulite, laser-assisted liposuction can be a beneficial option. This form of surgery is thought to tighten the skin, which may help improve the appearance of cellulite. While it is still somewhat controversial because it is a fairly new form of plastic surgery, laser-assisted liposuction is a less invasive option than regular liposuction.