How To Lose the Love Handle Fat
Get your body moving at least five times per week. Focus on aerobic exercise such as running, swimming or dancing. Anything that gets your heart rate up is acceptable. High-impact aerobic exercise blasts more calories but it hard on your body. Perform aerobic exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes per session and watch the love handle fat melt away.
Modify your diet. If you are in good shape and only want to lose the fat in that area, there is no need to make huge dietary changes. One easy modification to make is to reduce your consumption of dairy products. Also make sure that the dairy that you do eat is low-fat. That means to drink and cook only with skim milk, sorbet instead of ice cream and low-fat yogurt. Not only will this result in weight loss due to consuming fewer calories, but dairy often can bloat the midsection.
Do two to three full-body strength training workouts per week. This includes activities such as yoga, weight training using machines and dumbbells, and resistance activities using just your body. Not only will this reshape your body, but muscle also burns calories at rest, which results in more fat loss.
Work your abdominal muscles. Target the internal and external obliques for the most impact. That is the area around your waist. One such exercise is the twist crunch. Start out in the same position as a basic crunch. Curl upwards and instead of going straight up, curl the body over to the right. Hold it and lower back down. Continue and alternate each side. Perform three sets of 10 twist crunches each session.