How to Find the Right Diet and Exercise Program
Know the motivation for your weight-loss goals. Do you want to lose weight for health reasons, to improve appearance or to please someone? Being overweight has its own pressures, such as physical, emotional and psychological. Losing weight also has its pressures, such as hunger precipitated by calorie reduction, chemical changes in your body that often slow progress and weaken resolve, and temptations.
Choose your goal-related options. If your goal is motivated by health problems, ask your physician or a dietician to recommend a diet and exercise program that is best suited to your medical needs.
Seek a diet and exercise regimen to help you lose weight and improve your appearance by reviewing options, such as brick-and-mortar or online weight-loss centers. Weight-loss centers provide structure and support, help you make smarter food choices, encourage behavior modification, help you develop a regular exercise regimen and monitor your progress.
Eliminate the hassle of meal planning by selecting a diet program that provides portion-controlled meals. Dieters following this type of program are offered guidance for behavioral modification. These plans also offer fitness tapes that assist you in developing an exercise regimen.
Seek professional advice from a personal trainer to establish an exercise program geared to your individual physical and medical needs. Many fitness trainers are qualified to provide nutritional guidance to help you create a diet that, along with your exercise program, helps you achieve maximum weight loss.
Review all the features of several different diet options before making your decision. Choose a diet that enables you to incorporate foods you enjoy eating into your meal planning. Avoid diets that attempt to make drastic changes in your lifestyle.
Be realistic in choosing an exercise program. You cannot make the transition from being a couch potato to exercising 30 to 60 minutes a day, three to five or more days a week. In addition to improving health and its potential for increasing your lifespan, exercise can be addicting. Start out slowly and advance at a pace that fits your lifestyle and your schedule.