How to Lose Weight Taking OxyElite Pro
Begin taking OxyElite Pro very slowly, as the product can be very potent if you're not used to caffeine. Each pill contains 100mg of caffeine. The recommended dosage for beginning the pill is one pill in the morning, 15 to 30 minutes before a meal.
Increase your dosage to two pills a day after six days of taking just one pill. Only increase your dosage if you feel comfortable taking one pill a day. Take one pill in the morning, 15 to 30 minutes before a meal, and the second pill five to six hours later.
Increase your dosage a third time, only if you feel comfortable, to three pills a day. Three pills a day is the maximum that anyone should take of this pill per day. Take two pills in the morning, 15 to 30 minutes before a meal, and the third pill five to six hours later.
Begin a workout regimen if you have not already. This thermogenic pill is designed to give your metabolism a boost while giving you energy. Chances are that if you are taking this pill, you will want to exercise to burn off some of your extra energy. Aim for five days a week of exercise, for at least 30 minutes on each of the five days.
Develop better eating habits. Eating healthier will increase the power of this pill, because eating healthier usually means eating less calories and fat, and this thermogenic will help you burn more calories than normal, which will maximize your weight loss.