How to Lose 111 Pounds
Consult with your general practitioner, family doctor or dietitian before starting a diet or daily exercise routine. It is important to speak with your doctor beforehand, because losing 111 pounds is not only challenging, but not necessary for people who are already in their healthy weight range. It is important to be aware of the risks of losing weight too fast, or losing too much weight before you begin your lifestyle change.
Review the items and food you currently have in your home, removing junk food and foods with high fat completely from your pantry and refrigerator, to help along with your new diet and lifestyle. Make a new grocery list of foods that are ideal to incorporate into your diet, such as a variety of fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods. Some foods that are ideal to include into every diet include fresh greens, lean meat (if you are not a vegetarian or vegan) such as chicken and fish, low-fat rice and some grains as well.
Exercise each day for an amount of time your doctor verifies is a suitable amount for your body's overall current physical condition. Complete exercises that will help work on all areas of your body, such as basic sit-ups, push-ups, and weight training reps with dumbbells to build your arm muscles. Ab crunches and lying leg raises are also basic exercises to build your ab muscles. Include three sets of 12 squats, calf raises, and lunges to work on your legs as well. You can begin doing three sets of 12 for each specific workout you do, increasing the reps slowly over time (each week or month depending on your progress and health).
Review additional exercise tips and programs that suit your lifestyle and the type of routine that you would like to have within your daily schedule. You can find various exercise routines at video stores, bookstores or online for free depending on your viewing or learning preferences and options. Some popular exercise routine videos are available at Exercise and Physical Fit Net.
Create a goal chart along with the time frame you would like to lose the entire 111 pounds in (recommended by your Doctor or Nutritionist).
Weigh yourself monthly or at any interval you feel comfortable doing so without being too critical of yourself and your progress. Consult with your doctor on the general time frame you should expect to reach your goal weight, given your daily nutrition and exercise routine. He will be able to help guide you along the way as it becomes more challenging the more weight you lose.
Keep your new healthy lifestyle in place even after you have reached your weight loss goal in order to maintain your new body weight and overall health. This will ensure you continue keeping your body in the proper condition.