How to Lose Weight With Flaxseed
Things You'll Need
- Whole flaxseed
- Coffee grinder
Buy a bag of whole flaxseed and store it in an airtight container in a dry, cool place, such as a cupboard or the refrigerator.
Consult a nutritionist, dietitian or your primary care physician about what the recommended daily allowance of flaxseed would be for you. As a general guideline, the Diet Channel suggests taking one to three tbsp. of ground flaxseed per day. According to the Nutrition Review, individuals can increase the dosage based on their needs.
Grind your recommended daily amount of flaxseed in a coffee grinder. Divide the flaxseed into three portions and add one to each of your three daily main meals. Alternatively, you can sprinkle ground flaxseed over cereal, yogurt, shakes, salads, etc. and bake it into bread and other baked goods.