How to Lose Weight With Natural Products
Things You'll Need
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B3
- Vitamin B5
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Dandelion root
- Red pepper
- Green tea
- Ginseng
- Licorice root
- Water
Take vitamins B2 and B3 to help regulate your thyroid and metabolism. Both vitamins are found naturally in foods, or purchase them in pill form at the vitamin store. Look for foods that are rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), such as meats and leafy greens, and incorporate those menu items into your regular diet. Eat tuna, turkey, eggs, wheat bran and barley to get your vitamin B3 (niacin) naturally.
Purchase vitamin B5, which helps with the body's energy production, as well as with the release of energy from foods that are digested. Take vitamin B5 (pyridoxine) consistently to help your body adapt to the newfound energy source. Stock up on foods such as nuts, oats, liver and vegetables to get a healthy natural dose of B5.
Eat foods that are rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, bell peppers and kiwis. Conduct some research on the weight loss affects that vitamin C has on the body and you will find that it can actually help the body break down glucose to be turned into energy that you can burn off.
Look into taking vitamin D supplements to assist with your weight loss goals. According to a June 2009 publication by Medical News Today, it was discovered that increasing supplements of vitamin D while maintaining a low-calorie diet can abet weight loss. Pick up some fish oil, which has concentrated levels of vitamin D, and incorporate it into your daily regimen.
Increase your metabolism by taking dandelion root and eating red pepper. Combine these herbal supplements with exercise for maximum weight loss possibilities since your metabolism will really get a workout.
Drink natural green tea (do not load it with sweeteners). Substitute your coffee with iced or hot green tea, as it helps your body burn fat without contributing to additional bloat like coffee can.
Boost your energy and help your weight loss goals with ginseng. You can find ginseng teas, beverages and supplements in many stores. Avoid taking too much ginseng or your body can become overly stimulated. You want just enough to create a constant energy that helps your body metabolize foods.
Take licorice root oil in moderation to reduce body fat, or drink licorice tea. Avoid taking too much licorice, however, or other side effects can surface, such as headaches.
Drink water -- lots of it! Water is all-natural and helps clean out your digestive track, keeps your body hydrated for energy and maintains overall good health.