How to Eat Only Breakfast and Lunch for Weight Loss
Start your day with a healthy, hearty breakfast. Eating a small or unsatisfying breakfast causes you to eat larger amounts of food later, and they are not likely to be the healthiest snacks available. For breakfast, eat low-fat, whole grain cereal or toast. Eggs, or just egg whites, may be used to make an omelet or sandwich. Canadian bacon, if used sparingly, is a low-fat, filling meat. Include fruit, such as one apple or orange, a banana or a small bowl of grapes.
Eat a moderate lunch halfway through your day. Include salad or other vegetables and fruit. If you crave meat, eat lean meat, such as grilled chicken or baked fish. Pack your lunch the night before you go to work or school so you won't need to stop at an unhealthy fast food restaurant to eat.
Eat a light snack several hours before you go to bed. This helps to keep you from feeling too hungry during the night, which may cause you to awaken and head straight for the refrigerator.
Drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water throughout the day. Water helps you to feel full, and not drinking enough can lead to dulled thinking and cause you to feel tired. If you plan to skip dinner, it is important to stay as hydrated as possible because you won't be getting any energy from the calories in food.
Eat healthily the day after you skip dinner. When you wake up, you are likely to be very hungry. Although it may be tempting to grab whatever you lay eyes on, avoid doing this. Eating high-fat food now negates not eating dinner.
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