Diets for Single Men
Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet developed by Dr. Robert Atkins. People on this diet look to remove all major sources of carbohydrates from what they eat and replace them with protein or fat alternatives. This is based on the principle of turning the body's metabolism from burning glucose as fuel to burning body fat; the idea is that the diet offers a metabolic advantage as burning fat uses more calories. Single men will like the simplicity of the diet and the fact that it doesn't restrict quantity of food. They can continue to eat steaks, burgers and eggs but must remove any accompanying carbohydrates.
Male Weight Loss Diet
The Male Weight Loss Diet provides a simple, effective way for men to lose weight. It's based on the belief that most men would rather die than admit to friends that they're dieting, and that instead of a complete diet overhaul, they should learn simple ways of swapping high-fat, high-calorie foods for healthier alternatives. Instead of an all-fried breakfast, for example, a man would grill the meat and add lots of vegetables instead of fried bread. For lunch he would replace a fatty cheese and pickle sandwich with whole wheat pitta bread filled with hummus and salad. At a dinner party, it's better to fill a plate with unsalted nuts, olives, mini smoked salmon sandwiches and prawns instead of sausage rolls or fried chicken wings. Although planning is required, single men will like the fact that they don't feel as if they're on a conventional diet and friends and family won't notice.
Hay Diet
The Hay diet is a food-combining diet created by Dr William Hay. Its thesis is that the body can't cope with proteins and carbohydrates at the same time because of the way they're digested. It suggests avoiding consumption of foods that don't mix properly and encourages eating many raw fruit and vegetables and cutting down on proteins, starches and highly processed foods. Single men will appreciate that they don't have to reduce their intake of food and that they can eat regularly. But this diet can be complicated to follow and will be difficult to stick to over a long period.
South Beach Diet
The South Beach Diet is promoted as a food lover's diet, one that's good for men who find it tough to cut down on the amount of food they eat. The diet emphasizes that you don't need to count calories, grams of carbohydrates, fats or portion sizes. It lets you eat a wide variety of foods and allows for the occasional indulgence. It follows a three-stage process: First, eliminating cravings and kick-starting weight loss (2 weeks); second, losing weight steadily (as long as required); and, third, maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle.