The Best Exercise Routines to Firm and Tone Flabby Legs
Healthy Diet
A healthy diet and exercise play a vital role in the amount of fat your body stores. Leg exercises are not effective without a healthy balanced diet that low in saturated fats to decrease body fat. Calories are made of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Fat should make up 30 percent of your calories, carbohydrates should make up 50 to 60 percent, and protein should go towards protein. Eat foods that contain complex carbohydrates, lean protein, unsaturated fat and fiber.
These foods will help you to eat less and feel full. Avoid foods that are high in simple carbohydrates like sugars, which are easy to digest and will leave you craving for more food. Losing body fat involves eating fewer calories than you are burning. Your body will make up the difference by storing the fat not burned for later use.
Lunge Exercises
Lunges is a good body resistance exercise to work at the leg muscles. It targets the hamstring muscles, quadriceps, lower leg muscles and the gluteal muscles in the buttock. To do a stationary lunge, start by standing upright in a comfortable position. Make a step ahead with your left foot and lean forward until your leg reaches a 90-degree angle and your thigh is parallel to the ground. Return back to your starting position. Tension will start to build in your legs.
Repeat the lunch with the right foot. Perform a lunge five times on each side. Keep your back in a neutral position, but don't arch the back in the opposite direction or flatten the curve of your lower back. Do not bend your knees past your toes and keep your knees centered over your foot. Don't allow your knees to roll outward or inward.
Squat Exercises
Squats are good for toning flabby legs and firming your buttocks, according to Dr. Laskowski of Mayo Clinic. The squat is a body resistance exercise that works at the leg muscles. It targets the hamstring and quadriceps muscles. Strengthening these muscles will increase your workout performance and protect your knees.
To do a squat, stand with your feet a little farther apart than shoulder width with your toes pointing straight ahead. Slowly move down, bend through your hips, knees and ankles. Stop when your knees reach a 90-degree angle and then return to the starting position. Tension will start to build in your buttocks and legs.
Keep your back in a neutral position when doing squats. Position the curve of your lower back in an upright position instead of flattening or arching it in the opposite direction. Keep your knees centered over your feet as your body goes down. Use your arms for support and balance. Stop when you start to lose form or feel tired. One set of 12 to 15 repetitions is usually adequate.
Leg Extension Exercises
Leg extension exercises are another great way to sculpt the legs. Lie down on a bench with your lower legs hanging off the edge. Point out your toes and extend your arms forward in a V-shape. Place the palms of your hands on the ground. Raise your legs up a few inches. Bend your left knee and lower it onto the bench, and then lift your knee and straighten your leg. Repeat the steps and switch sides to complete a repetition. Perform a total of two sets of 20 repetitions.