How to Combine Minerals & Vitamins to Lose Weight
Examine your diet to find which minerals and vitamins you could be lacking. The body needs more than 40 nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Certain foods provide certain minerals, so know which ones you are consuming. Whole-grain, in the form of bread, pasta and cereal are important sources of vitamins and minerals such as folic acid, magnesium, zinc and iron. Often when dieting, these starchy carbohydrates are cut back, if not cut out completely. This results in low levels of vitamins and minerals, each one responsible for certain biological functions. For example, a lack of zinc depresses the immune system. Low zinc levels also result in weak nails, dry hair and hair loss, and bad skin, all of which can lead to low self-esteem. This in turn can lead to sugar craving and all your hard work can be undone in minutes. Aim for a balance in your diet.
Understand the role minerals play in helping weight loss. Chromium has an essential part as it increases the body's sensitivity to insulin. This sensitivity promotes weight loss and the supplemental part of chromium, chromium picolinate helps build lean body muscle, which in turn burns calories. Chromium researcher Richard Anderson, Ph.D., lead scientist in the Nutrient Requirements and Functions Laboratory at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and at Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland, says that "what makes the effectiveness of chromium more and more believable is that the results we see in humans is so well documented in animal studies." He goes on to say that most people in the U.S. only consume 25 percent of the recommended daily allowance of chromium. Coenzyme Q10 is an essential compound in the breakdown of fat, magnesium is used to treat cramps which can besiege people trying to lose weight and also seems to control sweet cravings. Carnitine helps to transport fat into the bloodstream for burning, and helps with sweet and fat cravings.
Consume the correct vitamins to help with your weight loss. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) and B6 (Pyridoxine) are good at maintaining your metabolism and ensuring normal thyroid function, as is vitamin B3(Niacin). Vitamin B3 also helps with your glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which gets released when your blood sugar rises. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) helps you utilize fat and has an important part in energy production. Vitamin C is a good all round vitamin and helps with the correct conversion of glucose into energy.