Daily Food Servings Based on 1200 Calories
Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid
The Mayo Clinic recommends that if you lose more than two pounds a week on the 1200 calorie-a-day plan, then you need to add more calories to your regime. Find out the serving sizes for each category before starting this program. Additionally, it recommends you incorporate at least a 30-minute physical exercise program into your daily routine for optimal results. Daily servings for each of the categories are listed: four or more servings of vegetables, three or more servings of fruits, four servings of carbohydrates, three servings of protein/dairy, three servings of fat, and up to 75 calories of sweets.
My Pyramid
The dietary guidelines put out from the USDA was revamped in 2010 in response to the disturbing obesity trends that have plagued the US in the last decade. The USDA released its new guidelines in response to the poor diet and physical inactivity of Americans that have been associated as major causes to morbidity and mortality. According to the My Pyramid online source, the daily consumption of the various food groups are: four ounces of grains, one and a half cups of vegetables, one cup of fruits, two cups of milk, and three ounces of meat and beans. My Pyramid also recommends 30 minutes of physical activity for most days of the week, up to four teaspoons a day of oils, and limiting extra fats and sugars to 170 calories a day
Principles and Labs for Physical Fitness
Based upon the 2010 My Pyramid guidelines, serving sizes are broken down into relevant calorie sizes. Sometimes preparation time hinders a healthy intent, so the program allows you to substitute one low-fat frozen entree for one main meal. However, this entree has to be less than 300 calories and less than six grams of fat. The dietary guidelines are as follows: six 80 calorie servings of bread, cereal, rice and pasta; three 25 calorie servings of vegetables; two 60 calorie servings of fruits; two 120 calorie servings of dairy; and one 300 calorie serving of a low-fat frozen meal.
Create Your Own
Stick with the same nutritional principles of vegetable, fruit, protein intakes. Modify the 1200 calorie diet accordingly to your cultural tastes and dietary restrictions. A food scale and a calorie guidebook come in handy when modifying other diets' guidelines. Strive for balance and moderation, and throw in a daily 30 minute exercise regime.