How to Lose Weight Fast With No Medications
Eat a small breakfast, and aim for six small meals a day. Eating regularly will help to keep your metabolism burning calories throughout the day. Divide your meals into six small portions, and make sure they consist mostly of fruit and vegetables. Certain foods use up more calories to digest than they hold in caloric content. Celery, cucumber, carrots, cabbage, onions, apples, strawberries and oranges are some examples of foods containing negative calories.
Take regular exercise. You need to raise your heart rate above its normal range. Talk to someone at your local gym, if you need help calculating your personal target zone. It is suggested that you exercise a minimum of three times a week, for at least half an hour. But, to really burn some fat, you would need to double this amount. Cardiovascular training, such as jogging and swimming are good for burning calories.
Cut out carbohydrates and eat more protein. The body takes longer to process complex carbohydrates. These break down into sugar, and when not used as fuel, it is converted into fat. On the other hand, the body can convert protein into muscle, when eaten in moderation -- and paired with the correct exercise regime.
Drink water and cut out sugary drinks. Water keeps you hydrated and gives you a temporaryl feeling of fullness. It can help you to eat less at meal times, while sugar and salt stimulate the appetite, leaving you wanting more.
Substitute your cup of tea or coffee for Green Tea. It is believed that it can help the body burn extra calories per day, by stimulating the metabolism.
Listen to your stomach. Eat slowly, and when you start to feel full, stop. The brain will automatically send a signal to your stomach, when you have consumed the correct amount of food.
Be realistic. A healthy weight loss target is two pounds per week; exceeding this, means you are likely losing water and burning muscle tissue instead of fat. It is a fact that crash diets are not good for your health. Change your lifestyle to a healthy one, to reach your goals for long-term weight loss.