How to Lose Weight While Deployed
Use Physical Training (PT) to lose weight in a controlled manner. Set up an exercise routine to follow every day. Try activities at the camp gym such as lifting weights. Most of the camps have 24-hour gym facilities to cater to your needs. If you decide to take up outdoor running, make sure you keep the weather conditions in mind. In areas where daytime temperatures soar to extreme levels, consider running before sunrise or after sunset. Allow yourself sufficient time to get acclimatized to the temperature difference before you begin your exercises.
Do stretching exercises to retain your flexibility and cardiovascular training to improve the functioning of your heart and boost metabolism, which helps you burn more calories to lose weight. Try cardio-kickboxing, abdominal crunches and push-ups to achieve your target weight loss.
Eat more frequent but smaller meals. Ask for smaller portions of each item on your plate. Reduce the size of your snacks and make them healthy by eating fruit rather than cookies or cakes. Don't try to lose weight by skipping breakfast -- your body needs this meal to rev up your metabolism.
Drink a lot of water -- at least one gallon each day -- because it will keep you hydrated and healthy. This is especially important if you are deployed in an area that has extremely high temperatures. Besides, this will also leave you feeling full, ensuring that you don't gorge on food.
Monitor your diet. The wrong food habits can nullify the effects of the exercise routine you follow. Choose healthy food items and avoid those that are high in calories. For breakfast, choose oatmeal, eggs (hard-boiled or scrambled) and low-sugar cereals. Avoid biscuits and high-sugar cereals. Choose sandwich wraps, tuna salads and grilled and chopped chicken breast for lunch and dinner. Eat larger quantities of raw vegetables.