V12 Turbo Side Effects

V12 Turbo Creatine is made by an American sports company called SAN Nutrition. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Americans spend an estimated $14 million annually on creatine supplements like V12. The muscle building compound contains cell volumizers which boost strength and improve the time it takes muscles to recover between workouts. As a result, your muscles become fuller, you have more stamina during workouts and your body develops a lean appearance.
  1. Beneficial Side Effects

    • Weight gain will occur if you take V12 Turbo. According to the University of Nottingham in England, creatine-based supplements cause users to gain about 2 to 4 lbs. in the first week, but most of that is water weight. V12 absorbs water into the muscle cells, boosting the process of protein synthesis. Once that initial weight gain is over, users will continue to gain weight as the muscle mass increases and muscles fibers grow.

    Negative Side Effects

    • SAN V12 is generally free of negative side effects. However, based on its ingredients, it can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea and headaches. Because of creatine's affect on water in your body, V12 may also cause you to retain water, become dehydrated or develop bloating around the midsection. Drink more water to counteract this result. Nausea and body odor are two other potential side effects. If you take a lot of the muscle-building substance, you may eventually damage your kidneys or hurt your body's ability to form its own creatine.


    • There could be interactions if you take V12 Turbo at the same time you are taking other dietary supplements. In fact, the Food and Drug Administration recommends discussing creatine-based substances with your doctor prior to use -- to make sure the other things you are taking will not increase the risk of side effects.


    • Certain substances can interact with V12. Caffeine is known to cause some dehydration. Combining it with V12 may only worsen that effect. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs and creatine are not a good mix because you are increasing the possibility of damage. NSAIDS include naprozen, or Aleve, and ibuprofen which is Advil and Motrin. Taking water pills, diuretics, at the same time as V12 may increase dehydration and the potential for kidney damage. You should also not take V12 if you're on Cimetidine, also known as Tagamet -- or Probenicid, which is used to treat gout, because you're putting your kidneys more at risk.

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