Fad Diets That Give Results
The Lemonade Master Cleanse Diet
There are claims that Hollywood stars turn to this fad diet also know as the master cleanse when they need to loose weight quickly for movie roles or performances.The diet consists of exclusively drinking a cleansing lemonade made out of water, lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup while also flushing the system by taking laxatives or a saltwater flush. This diet is extremely difficult to maintain for a period of time since there is absolutely no eating involved and returning to eating food will cause weight re-gain.
The Dukan Diet
This fad diet is fairly new to people outside of France. Its a high protein diet that is similar to the popular Atkins diet, but unlike Atkins it does not encourage the consumption of fats. The Dukan diet gained popularity after several Hollywood celebrities claimed it helped them shed their extra post-pregnancy weight quickly.
Prepackaged Low Calorie, Low Fat Diets
Prepackaged diets such as the Cambridge diet and the Slim Fast program prescribe drinking prepackaged shakes and eating prepackaged meals and snacks almost exclusively. These diets are often extremely low in daily calorie consumption and lead to weight loss, but like most fad diets they don't teach a complete lifestyle change. Many people on such low calorie diets tend to gain weight rapidly once they begin to eat real food again.
High Protein, Low Carb Diets
The Atkins diet is the most popular high protein/low carb diet although there are other popular diets with the same basic principle. Atkins promotes the complete elimination of carbohydrates in the first stage which sends the body into a state of ketosis and causes rapid weight loss. However, ketosis may also have some negative effects on other body functions and once carbohydrates are reintroduced into the diet, there is likely to be rapid weight re-gain.