How to Lose Weight Fast With a Diet Menu on a Budget
Calculate your daily calories. Your Basal Metabolic Rate shows how many calories you burn during a normal day. For women, the formula is 655 + ( 4.35 x W) + ( 4.7 x H) - ( 4.7 x A). Men should use 66 + ( 6.23 x W) + ( 12.7 x H) - ( 6.8 x A). Replace W with your weight in pounds, H with height in inches and A with age in years. Once you know your BMR, look for ways to remove 3500 calories from that equation. 3500 calories equals a pound. If you typically eat 2200 calories in a day, start eating 1700 instead to lose one pound per week.
Create a weekly menu. Decide on your meals for the upcoming week or two. Aim for meals with lean meats, such as chicken or fish, and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Plan your meals to fit your daily calorie allowance. Emphasize whole foods such as vegetables and grains and stay away from processed and prepared foods, which tend to be high in calories, additives and unhealthy fats and also tend to be more expensive.
Make a list. Make a thorough list of the ingredients and extra foods you need. This lowers the temptation to spend money on foods that will sabotage your weight loss efforts.
Shop the produce aisle before you look for other items on your list. Shop the outer edges of the grocery store aisles. In most grocery stores, the center aisles contain unhealthier snacks. The produce department, dairy section and meat department are located on the outside rim. These basic staples are typically affordable and nutritious compared to processed foods. Buy in bulk when you can, which is cheaper and better for the environment.
Eat leftovers instead of eating out. Restaurants are often more expensive than cooking food at home, and serve overgenerous portions that slow weight loss. Stick to your diet menu and save money by bringing leftovers to work or school. Preparing meals at home saves money and means you can control what you are eating.
Find cheap seasonal deals at farmers' markets. Research local deals. Some bakeries sell day-old bread at a reduced cost. Many communities feature farmers' markets, with fresh produce at affordable prices. Look for a local community garden and grow your own vegetables.
Keep a food journal. For the price of a notebook and a pencil, write down everything you eat in a day and tally the total calories. This will keep you accountable and motivate you, boosting weight loss.
Food cans or other heavy objects can work as hand weights in a pinch. Exercise. Getting active speeds up your metabolism and burns calories. Exercising doesn't require a gym membership or expensive workout gear. Taking a brisk walk around the block or lifting an inexpensive pair of hand weights gets your heart rate up.