How to Quit Drinking Beer and Lose Weight
Whether you drink in moderation or excessively, consuming beer can make you feel sedentary, sluggish and more likely to crave unhealthy, processed foods. According to Alcohol Problems and Solutions, although the calories from beer are not significant in weight gain, they do cause cravings for larger food portions and unhealthy, greasy food choices. With the help of a support group, friends or family, you can quit drinking and lose weight through proper diet and exercise.Instructions
Remove all the beer from your home to prevent the urge of coming home from a stressful day of work and having a beer. Replace the alcoholic beverages with nutritious beverages such as fruit juices or water.
Find a hobby to do during the weekends or after work. Having a hobby gives you another option besides going to happy hour or sitting in front of your television and drinking beer. Hobbies such as golf, yoga, cooking classes, book clubs and more activities allow you to meet friends who can move your social life away from drinking.
Drink in moderation. Although it may be unreasonable to cut yourself off from drinking beer all together, limiting your drinks when you go out with friends can decrease chances of cardiovascular disease, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). The AHA recommends no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink for women. Learning to control yourself and drink in moderation will help the overall weight loss process and your health.
Create and execute an exercise program regularly. Although diet and eating healthy is important, exercise is equally as essential for weight loss. Cutting back drinking beer can cut calories and help you lose weight, but staying active and exercising is necessary as well. The United States Physical Activity Guidelines recommends four to five days per week of aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day.
Find a friend who is willing to work out with you and keep you on track towards your weight loss goals. Exercising with friends and coworkers gives you an extra motivation during the weekends or after work to skip happy hour and hit the gym.
Eat nutritious foods and incorporate them into your diet. Whole grain breads, fruits and vegetables are all high in vitamins and minerals and are low in fats. Excess drinking can create unhealthy diets because of cravings for processed and high fat foods. Not only will it help you trim down your waist size, nutritious foods will help you be more energetic.