How to Count Fat Grams and Calories to Lose Weight
Set a calorie goal. Your calorie goal should not be lower than 1200 for a woman or 1800 for a man. Set your calorie goal slightly higher if you are exercising on a regular basis. Adjust your goal if you are feeling fatigued or hungry. Lower your calorie intake from fats, and choose healthy fats when you do eat them; for example, fish, avocado and nuts. Carry raw nuts or a piece of fruit with you during the day. Use these healthy snacks in place of sodas, coffee or sugary energy drinks.
Log calories each time you eat. Use the fat grams printed on the nutrition label to complete your log. Multiply the number of fat grams by nine. Your total is the approximate number of calories from fat. Use a calorie chart to log raw foods. A calorie chart will give you an estimate of how many calories are in one serving of raw foods. For example, three raw apricots supply the body with 50 calories and no fat. One cup of dried apricots provides 310 calories and 1 g of fat. One slice of blueberry pie offers 107 g of fat and more than 2,000 calories. Be wary of foods that put you over your daily calorie limit in one serving. Replace the pie with a cup of fresh blueberries containing 1 g of fat and 80 calories.
Salads and roasted vegetables are a tasty treat when personalized with spices. Total your calorie log. Keep a log for a few days without changing your normal diet. This will give you an idea of how much you are consuming each day. Start making adjustments to your diet on the third day of the log. Replace fatty meals with vegetable-heavy entrees. Replace greasy snacks, such as chips, with fresh fruit.