How to Lose Weight to Be Healthy & Not Skinny
Discover how many calories you should intake per day (you can figure this out by using the Calorie Calculator -- see Resources). Since you do not want to lose weight to be skinny but to be healthy, aim for regular fat loss instead of extreme fat loss.
Change your habits gradually. For example, instead of purchasing whole milk, switch to skim milk and incorporate that into your daily intake. When choosing portions, make sure each portion is no bigger than the palm of your hand. Although it may be difficult to keep yourself from overeating, with self-control you will get used to eating this smaller portion over time.
Count calories as you become used to eating smaller portions. This is where the calorie calculator comes into play. Be aware of the calories in everything you consume. By the end of the day, you should not have gone over your calorie allowance.
Exercise for 30 minutes to an hour at least three times a week. If you eat more than your maximum calorie allowance, exercise 30 minutes to burn most of it off. Exercising can consist of any physical activity from jogging to performing push-ups, jumping jacks, even lifting weights. To keep yourself in shape, purchase a pedometer and keep it on you at all times. Attempt to walk 4,000 to 5,000 steps per day.
Drink only water with the rest of your meals after you eat breakfast. This will knock out an average of 245 calories from sugary drinks most individuals consume daily. Additionally, treat yourself to a snack once per day but make it a low-calorie snack. Use this snack to reward yourself for following your diet. As you add some physical activity into your daily routine and consume a healthy amount of calories, you will lose weight the healthy way.