How to Tap for Weight Loss
Things You'll Need
- Tap shoes
- Instructional tap video (optional)
Sign up for a tap class. Go for a beginner's class if this is your first time tapping and move to a more challenging class if you have experience. If you prefer, purchase a tap instructional video before spending money on a class. Learn the basic steps before entering a beginning class so you don't spend the first few classes just trying to keep up with the instructor.
Invite some friends to join you for class. Stay motivated. Exercise often becomes mundane when doing the same routine for an extended period of time. Mix it up and invite friends to join you for class. Practice the steps at home if you feel you are falling behind in class. To maximize weight loss, spend less time learning the fundamentals and more time tapping. If you use an instructional video instead of a class, roll back the living room carpet and invite your friends over for tap sessions.
To maximize weight loss, watch your diet. Watch your diet. Tap dancing gives a cardiovascular workout, so you'll want to keep your energy level up. Avoid heavy foods before dancing such as pastries and pasta. Treat tap dancing as any other workout. Do not eat at least thirty minutes before starting your class or video. Drink plenty of water after the class to replenish your body.