How to Reduce Weight Faster
Get into the habit of eating a small, nutritious meal or snack every three hours of the day to speed up the rate at which your body processes and utilizes food. Replace the traditional three square meals per day with five to six smaller meals. Avoid skipping meals because this will make your body think you are starving it and makes it hold onto fat instead of getting rid of it.
Avoid foods that slow down your metabolism such as sugary, fattening and processed foods and alcohol. Eat high-fiber, unprocessed foods such as vegetables and fruits. Consume lean protein such as fish and chicken instead of fatty meats and look for foods with unsaturated "heart healthy" fats instead of trans fats and saturated fats which are commonly found in cakes, cookies and fried foods.
Sip 3 to 5 cups of green tea daily. states that green tea contains substances called catechins which speed up your metabolism so you burn extra calories on a daily basis.
Drink at least eight glasses of water daily because it helps metabolize fat, makes you feel full, promotes digestive health and flushes out toxins and excess sodium so you don't get bloated. Consume cold water at 40 degrees Fahrenheit because your body has to work harder to heat up the water resulting in extra caloric burn and faster weight loss.
Add short, high-intensity bursts to your cardiovascular exercise. states that interval training burns more calories than regular cardio. Jog at a comfortable pace for several minutes and accelerate to a fast sprint for one to two minutes. Go back and forth from the moderate jog to the fast sprint and complete your cardio session this way.
Include full-body weight training to your exercise routine on two to three non-consecutive days of the week. Strength training breaks down your muscles and to repair and restore them a lot of energy is needed. Your metabolism is activated all day long so you burn fat even when you are resting.