How Lose Fat From the Legs & Body
Things You'll Need
- Dumbbells
- Exercise ball
- Stop watch
- Jump Rope
Begin a healthy diet. To lose weight, the main thing that needs to change is calorie intake. Record your current calorie intake and subtract a sufficient number of calories when beginning the new diet. This number depends largely on your current weight and current health conditions. If finding a new target calorie intake is a concern, consult a nutritionist or doctor. However, cutting down on calories in any way will help and is essential when constructing a new diet.
Eliminate any over processed food when creating the new diet. Try to stay away from all soft drinks and anything with a lot of carbonation. Include fruits, vegetables and foods made from whole grain.
Exercise for about four hours a week. How you divide this time is essentially up to you, but try to at least incorporate three different days into that time frame as opposed to cramming four hours of exercise in on one or two days. That is not healthy. Eat right after working out because your body gets optimal results from the foods you eat after exercising. Try and eat food that is high in protein when doing this.
Perform various exercises that target your legs and core. Also, cardiovascular exercise is important in overall weight loss. Using the dumbbells, do lunges. Place your right foot approximately one yard in front of your left, while holding both dumbbells. Bend your left knee, moving it toward the ground. At about an inch above the ground, push up with your right leg, and come to a standing position again. Alternate legs when doing this exercise. You can either move in a forward direction while doing lunges, or stand in one place, doing a certain number of repetitions on the same leg before switching. This exercise will help tone the quadriceps.
Hoist the dumbbells over your head. Rest them just below your ears, but do not place them on your shoulders. Then, perform a squat. Keep your back aligned and your feet shoulder width apart and at a slightly outward angle. The squat will help you work your thighs and backside.
Strengthen your core while still losing weight in your legs. You can do this by using the exercise ball. Lie down on your back, place your ankles on top of the ball. Roll the ball towards your body, while still keeping your feet straight. You will feel the burn in your stomach and hamstrings if this is done properly. Use the stop watch to time yourself. The number of repetitions are not important when doing core exercises. One must literally "feel the burn" in order to know that the core and abdomen areas are getting worked out.
Perform sit ups while sitting on the ball. This will not only strengthen your abs, it will also help you develop balance, which will force both of your legs to do work. Again, use the stopwatch to motivate yourself and set time goals.
Add a cardiovascular component to the workout. Jump rope for at least five minutes each time you exercise. You can split this time up if desired because jumping rope is a great warm up as well as a great cool down. Use the stop watch to keep accurate time. A cardiovascular element will get blood circulating to your muscles, making your workouts more beneficial. It also strengthens your endurance so you can ultimately exercise for longer periods of time.