How to Lose 40 Pounds in Two Months
In fact, a person can lose up to 40 pounds in two months by doing the following:
Things You'll Need
- Will Power
- A Goal
Leave the bread alone. Nothing can make a person bloated more than bread and pasta. It is important that a person who wants to know how to lose 40 pounds in two months makes a commitment to stay away from bread and pasta as much as possible.
Water is your friend, everything else is an enemy. A person who understands how to lose 40 pounds in two months understands that a lot of empty calories are added simply by sipping cola, alcoholic beverages and even skim milk. While there is nothing wrong with a little skim milk every day, drinks like cola, lemonade, coffee, tea and beer must be avoided.
Work it out. Any person who knows how to lose 40 pounds in two months realizes that it is unsafe to try to lose this much weight simply by eating less. A 15-20 minute run on the elliptical machine in the morning and a 10-minute run in the evening can boost a person's metabolism enough to speed up the weight loss process.
Hello Jell-O! Liquid foods are best for a person trying to lose weight. In addition to Jell-O, soup is another great liquid food that can help a person be nourished, but not lug around extra food that is hard to digest or process.
The scale is a friend. A scale may not always tell a person what he or she wants to hear, but like any good friend, the scale will be honest. It's great to see visual evidence that a person is losing weight. A person who knows how to lose 40 pounds in two months understands that a scale can keep him or her on track.