How to Determine How Many Calories & Fat Grams Are Needed a Day to Lose Weight

Focusing on your caloric intake is an effective way to start losing weight. By counting calories, you will be able to keep track of everything that you have eaten throughout the day. It will also make you more aware of how many calories food contains. Then you'll know what to cut. According to the Mayo Clinic, by cutting out a few high-calorie items every day, you will be able to lose weight.


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      Determine your basal metabolic rate, also known as BMR. There are many places online, including the Mayo Clinic's website, that can help you do this. BMR is the amount of calories needed for your body simply to function. Next, use the website to factor in your activity level. Add this calculation to your BMR to figure out your daily caloric requirement.

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      Track your calories for everything you eat. You could do this with pen and paper or you could register for one of several free calorie-counting accounts offered online.

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      To lose 1 pound weekly, cut out about 500 calories daily. One pound equals 3,500 calories.

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      Weigh yourself once a week or every two weeks. Keep track of your progress using a pen and paper or through your online calorie-counting account.

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